Most Viewed YouTube Shorts of All Time (Updated 2024)

Here are the most viewed YouTube Shorts of all time. We’ve updated this list as of February 2024.

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We’ve collated the most-viewed YouTube Shorts of all time below. The current most-viewed YT Short of all time has 1.4 billion views and was posted by creator Daniel LaBelle.
YouTube Shorts was initially launched in September 2020 and continues to gain significant popularity in 2024. YouTube recently announced that YouTube Shorts currently receive 70 billion daily views.
YouTube Shorts shows no signs of slowing down, with more creators deciding to post on the platform following the newly announced YouTube Shorts Monetization program.

Most Viewed YouTube Shorts

Here are the most viewed YouTube Shorts as of February 2024. We’ll continue to update the list regularly, so check back soon for any new Shorts in our list.
Last Updated: 23rd February 2024
I’m sure we can all agree on how crazy these numbers are. You now need a video with over 1 billion views to reach the top 10 most viewed YouTube Shorts videos. YouTube Shorts is here to stay and is grabbing people’s attention.

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We’ve also created lists for the top videos and shorts on YouTube by views, likes and comments.
YouTube Shorts

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